Kotahalu Magula - Facing Maha

Facing Maha

Pro Helvetia Art Residency Award 2020. Layla Gonaduwa sets up studio residency practice on the move, for the coming 3 months. The Art that comes forth will be from this foundation and her collective repository on the run, of images, drawings, writings, thoughts and stories on flora & fauna, memory and human interest stories on Migration that can be worked together. As daunting and exciting as the Maha Monsoon looming ahead.

16 Aug 2020

Kotahalu Magula


Kotahalu Magula

In and about villages in Kurunegala area a high number of females seem to elope or leave town with their chosen partner. 

Whether they get married in a ceremony later on is not known. It is almost always a man not approved by the parents nor in the ‘suitable partner’ category.

As a result when a young girl reaches puberty/coming of age the new trend is to throw a huge Kotahalu Magula/celebration and invite all and sundry so that the parents can still experience this big to-do, under their rules, supervision and care. Sort of hedging your bets, just incase the children elope and you are left with no big celebration in the family to speak of.

Most young women are migrating to cities in search of jobs and the chances of them finding their own partners have become quite high. Parents' consent is not an issue with no choice anymore. With a high rate of Job Agencies for the Middle East situated in the area, it is also possible that this is a result of money coming in and parents wanting to make hay while the sun shines. Mothers wanting to make sure they are part of a celebration in their lifetime as well as show off their economic status. This involves caterers, hotels & halls, event planners and serious money is spent on it.

Traditionally, Sri Lankans have celebrated simply within their family circle and occasionally it would extend to close friends. Huge parties were uncommon and definitely not as grand as what I have been told today.

The following is a true story and the daily maid at my studio residency is invited tonight.

The father is a Coconut plucker addicted to drugs and has just been released from prison. He is in debt. The mother is a sweep seller and they have two daughters. The eldest reached puberty 5 months ago and she has demanded that if she does not get her Kotahalu Magula, the younger sibling in the future cannot either. The parents are in agreement that she deserves the Best. They will be celebrating it today.

The invitee list is at 300, yes - kith & kin plus the whole village. The food is catered. There will be liquor. 

It occurs to me perhaps this is in the hope that the collective kitty of gifts will cover all costs plus all debt they have.

It is incredulous these new age fund raising  plans. 

1 comment:

  1. Intriguing Layla! So you mean to say that the kotahalu magula takes place with only the ‘bride’ (or brides in this case) and no partner in sight? So, it is rather like the Mexican Quinceanera - a coming of age party for fifteen year old girls? It’s common that the world over people are unable to resist cultural pressures and don’t be have the strength to do only what they believe to be right and also fits their budget!
